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Subject: Get wht you deserve now -cab driver 08 biceps
From: “MBA Degree ” <>
I didn’t realize that I deserved eight cab driver biceps. In fact, I’m not sure what exactly is so special about cab driver biceps…
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, with the following dgeres, here's how much you can expect to make in your lifetime: ------------------------------------------------------ Dgeree | Doller Earning High Shcool Dpiolma .....11,000,00 Bcaeholr's Dgeree .......21,000,00 Msaetr's Dgeere..........25,000,00 Dcootarte ...............44,000,00 If you are like most people you're more than qauilifed with your epxreeicne, but you are lacking that prestigious piece of paper known as a dpiolma that is often the passport to scuecss. Don't you think that it is time you were paid fair compensation for the level of work you are already doing? This is your chance to finally make the right move and receive your due benefits. If you want a better dgeere, we can help! --------------------------------------------------------- DIAL 1-707-###-#### TODAY, AND GIVE YOUR LIFE A CHANCE!
I suppose these ‘dpiolmas’ come from some well-known Elingsh uinervtisy?