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Letters to the World


Crazy like a (second-version) fox

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 5:36 pm

Ooh. Firefox 2.0 is officially out.

Whew, *that* was fun…

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:47 pm

OK, so you’ve probably been wondering where my web site went for the past couple days.

Well, to make a long story short, my hosting provider had some serious hard disk corruption on the system where my site is hosted, it was so bad that a file system check couldn’t salvage it, and (I can only assume because my domain name starts with ‘z’…) there was no automatic backup stored on their servers.

I’ve restored most of the site, but there might still be some stuff missing; if there is, just drop me a line using the e-mail link in the right margin letting me know what page is missing.

Also, as a result of this server crash, I’ve completely lost any e-mail that you might have sent over the past couple days— so if you sent me anything important, send it again now that the mail server is up and running again.

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