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Letters to the World


Spammish pseudo-geekspeak

Filed under: Spam — codeman38 @ 7:40 am

Yes, yes, I know, I post a lot of odd things from spam here… that’s because it’s more interesting than my life a lot of the time. 🙂

Anyway, here’s the rather ridiculous way that one spammer attempted to bypass filters; didn’t work, as it still got thrown in my SpamAssassin folder with a Bayesian spam probability of over 99%…

--- system information ---

wide software descriptions operation interaction distinctions We disclosures

platform platform can designing while could absence geographic
nearly fully helpful geographic lies within there submitted
[Definition: standards localized years takes maintaining behavior manner

following environments does revised guidance require use form

As nonsensical as computer jargon may sound a lot of the time, I don’t think it’s ever reached these levels…

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