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Letters to the World


Fair and balanced!

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 4:56 pm

As the politically independent creature that I am, I must help spread the meme that everyone else has been throwing about…

So, as much as I hate what seems like shameless self-promotion, I’ll nonetheless concede that has one of the most fair and balanced archives of proofreading mistakes on the Internet. With the exception of personal sites, I’m not afraid to pick on sloppy proofreading from any source; I feature typos spotted everywhere, from small local ads and public access stations to major operating systems and major ISPs. Indeed, I’m not even afraid to pick on Arnold every once in a while…

So readers, help me with my quest for fair and balanced reporting of typographical errors! Send your submissions to The Proofreader’s Hall of Shame today!

Back to school

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 4:45 pm

As you can probably tell from most of my recent blog entries, not much of interest has been going on in my life lately– unless you’d consider packing for school to be interesting in some way, which I doubt most of you do.

But it’s a necessary evil, for I’ll be moving back onto Mercer‘s campus this Sunday, so that I can get everything ready for the start of classes the following Wednesday. Much as I don’t want to deal with loads of homework, procrastinator that I am, I’ll nonetheless be glad to get back on campus, away from home, with my geekish crowd of friends. And come to think of it, homework doesn’t seem like such a bad thing, as boring as this summer’s been for the most part.

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