Zone38 Presents...
Letters to the World


trats eht ot kcab gnioG

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:27 pm

Anyone seen the video for Coldplay’s “The Scientist”? If not, go watch it in Windows Media format at MSN (of course, you’ll need a fairly decent connection for it to be viewable).

It’s very surreal, to say the least, reminiscent of the works of Michel Gondry; like the movie Memento (to which many reviewers have compared it), the video tells a perfectly coherent story, with the added twist of being entirely in reverse. It’s a perfect visual pun on the chorus of “going back to the start”. And yes, lead singer Chris Martin really did learn the lyrics backwards for the video shoot, a fact which Martin compared to speaking an alien language and, obviously, quite an impressive task in itself.

Googlewhack adventures

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:36 am

From the server logs tonight, I see that some Canadian surfer discovered my site by searching for various INTP-related phrases including INTP observation and INTP bad drivers. Amusing enough; I’ve had similar searches lead to my site before, as I mentioned a while back.

But no, this person didn’t stop there, instead going on to search for INTP non-drivers, a combination of words for which my own site was the only result. In other words, I’ve been Googlewhacked!

(Incidentally, I don’t mind being the sole result for INTP non-drivers; in fact, I find it quite entertaining, not to mention that I enjoy the honor… :grin:)

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