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Yet more from the search files

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 5:06 pm

A few amusing entries culled from the search logs, as I usually post in lieu of interesting content when nothing’s going on in my life:

free classified advertisements in all shipping companies in south america – Seems to be a rather odd thing to search for… considering the fact that this was a non-native speaker, however, and considering where the search led, I’m pleased to see that it was spelled correctly.

dowload site’s – Too bad this non-native speaker didn’t fare so well…

playing ddr with sandals – From personal experience, I can say that this is not the greatest idea, something with which a number of the other search results seem to agree…

Perhaps the most popularity I’ve ever seen…

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:41 pm

Hm. While googling for my nickname, I discovered that my font page has been indexed by the web popularity index Popdex. Quite neat… and the commentary on a number of the indexed blogs is quite flattering.

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