Yet another round of Inexplicable Search Requests…
Still more inexplicable search requests from the Zone38 logs:
From the “more importantly, what/who is it” department: where is ELIVES. I’m not exactly sure what they’re asking for– those mythical inhabitants of the North Pole or of Rivendell (for which the typo in question was highlighted on the Proofreader’s Hall of Shame), or the late rock singer who’s recently scored a remixed hit with “A Little Less Conversation”. Eh, either way, they can’t spell it, so does it really matter?
From the “what was that name again?” department, Zone38 got a hit from a confused Googler from Poland who was searching for information on Toni Spelling. Oops.
From the “sorry, we’re not that kind of site” department: funny anal video. Of course, this being a PG-13 rated site at most, I was only referring to my anal-retentive proofreading habits on the page in question…
And last, but not least, from the “isn’t it ironic?” department, this one should speak for itself: Indentify mistakes.
Then again, Elives could have also referred to the character in Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher, who seems to magically appear at random places. Heh…I read that book as a kid and completely forgot about it until now, too.
Comment by codeman38 — 16-Aug-2002 @ 4:28 pm