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More spellbinding news

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:39 pm

Ooooh. As if the recent screenings of Spellbound in Atlanta weren’t enough, it’s also been picked up by the Douglass Theatre in Macon! Though the date was originally listed as June 8 on the Douglass site, it now reads July 13, and official sources confirm that the Macon showing of the film is this weekend. (Edited 11-July-2003 to point out that the erroneous date on the Douglass site had been corrected. –codeman38)

From the spam files…

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:26 pm

And I quote, with all the sic-ness of the original intact:

Subject: What do you have to loose? yzaxgxgfmi huj j

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