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Letters to the World


What’s witd tdat?

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 11:48 pm

More fun witd tde inappropriate use of search-and-replace algoritdms. Here, several people’s misguided attempts to change HTML table headers (represented by the HTML tag <th>) to ordinary table cells (represented by <td>) have caused their writing to spontaneously develop a thick Brooklyn accent.

Finalized finals and advert mpresionism

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:07 am

Well, my fall semester finals are over. You may now collectively breathe a sigh of relief. I feel like I did quite well, even on the dreaded programming final I mentioned a few days ago, but only time will tell what grades I’ve received.

Second, on a completely unrelated note, I was just reminded of an interstitial ad that I’ve been seeing on the web quite a bit lately which annoys my compulsive proofreading sensibilities. OK, so it’s not as much an example of bad proofreading as it is of the impending doom of the English language as we know it <sly grin>– but I’ll gladly admit that I had never seen the abbreviation “mpresd” until this ad came along.

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