Wii wish you a merry Christmas
(Gah, why didn’t I think of that subject line for the previous post?)
OK, I figure it’s time for a bit of further explication now.
Yes, I did indeed post that last post from the Opera browser on a Nintendo Wii (it’s rather difficult to type using that virtual on-screen keyboard, which is why it was such a short post.) That was my big present from my parents this year, along with Zelda: Twilight Princess for that system. And no, I did not expect this at all.
I’d thought for sure that my parents wouldn’t be able to find one by the time I’d brought it up as a suggestion. But my mom actually did get up early enough one morning to get a place far enough forward in line to get one. (Yes, I’ve thanked her profusely.)
My dad and I managed to surprise her just as much with a new computer, to replace the seven-year-old behemoth she had been using.
So yeah, it was a very enjoyable Christmas this year. Now, back to Twilight Princess… man, Zelda games are so addictive.