Time for yet another round of spamonyms…
Ah, yes, it’s been a while since I last posted a set of these. So, without further ado, here are some… rather interesting… pseudonyms that I’ve found in the “From” lines of junk e-mail:
- Smacking B. Cloak
- Merits E. Briefcases
- Sworn R. Haunts
- Lana G. Footballer
- Brothel I. Abridge
- Abashed Q. Spin
- Faucet H. Defensive
- Blackberries C. Neighed
- Trunks R. Lanterns
- Caligula T. Gunshots
- Rubbished P. Forklifts
- Impious Q. Dickeys
- Monsoon P. Pixy
- Answer O. Waves
- Potentialities L. Enameling
- Biggest E. Guarani
- Sailfish O. Jouncing
- Condor E. Catechism
- Unreasonable M. Boysenberries
- Umpteen S. Whirlpool
- Evil B. Neatly
- Apennines C. Melanomata
- Experimentation F. Conjuncture
And an honorable mention, for most unpronounceable surnames, goes to:
- Sylvia Jphlbyp
- Jake Dtafalpf
- Pius Ulldb
- Micky Wdatwfu
- Rita Qewalp
- Kitty Wna
- Max Vnvunett
- Rowland Yhdooofu
- Noll Deutlmoq
- Sandy Nsrois
Also, according to various spams from among the above, my own name is one of either:
- Frank Nxi
- Elisa Xthecot
- Romeo Wotwn
- Dickie Joveesqd
- Molly Nizuug
- Nik Vxpa
- Clementina Aoprpa
…or my favorite: Ik Qrguhh. Ik Qrguhh. If anyone can pronounce that, he or she deserves a round of applause, perhaps even a standing ovation…