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Letters to the World


Random news from my life…

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 6:44 pm

Well, it’s been a rather busy week for me this past week, which is why I haven’t had much of a chance to post anything…

The main reason it’s been busy is that Thursday through Saturday, I was in Spartanburg, SC for the CCSC Southeastern Regional Conference, visiting a few of the seminars and participating in the programming competition on Saturday. Mercer Team A, the team I’m on, ended up placing first at the competition, having submitted correct solutions for four of the six problems with at least some amount of code written for the remaining two.

In other news, someone at ESPN apparently caught wind of my blog posting in which I mentioned Cheap Seats, and sent me a tape of the episode along with a Cheap Seats T-shirt… and as I expected, it was utterly hilarious. (For the curious, I’m the guy who misspelled “doyen”… that word will haunt me for the rest of my life.)

And of course, thanks to this weekend’s activities, I now have a huge backlog of homework and studying to procrastinate on. Heh. I can be so scatterbrained and stubborn sometimes, I know…

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