Duck… clop… clap?!
There are so many funny things in this spam, I don’t even know where to start. Do people really fall for something that looks this… utterly fake?
Subject: top offer on nervous disorder prescriptions
From: “Lorenzo Gill” <>
extraordinary prices about distress stuff
F^|.o.R*i.C'E_T 40 m^gg
3o P!lLS 99.O0
6O PI|lS 189.95
9O P!|LS 239.0OPLease O'r.d.e,r Here :
Same Day Sh|pp!ng
n,a.d'a : bye
Lemuel Moon
Cenix BioScience GmbH, 01307 Dresden, Germany
Phone: 681-161-1316
Mobile: 124-187-1391
Email: wifnvc@sunset.netyour reply to this confirmation message is not needed
This product is a 03 month definite version
The contents of this connection is for information and should not be eva toothpaste
vein rensselaer explanatory
Time: Sat, 05 Mar 2005 11:00:20 -0800