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Letters to the World


Return of the Spamonyms

Filed under: Spam — codeman38 @ 2:57 pm

It seems that our favorite clueless spammers have fired up their bulk mailing software once again. I’ve spotted these choice pseudonyms in my mailbox in the past several days…

“Paunchiest V. Transported”
“Laudanum H. Harness”
“Spotty M. Wealthy”
“Pollinating M. Rebate”
“Cloudbursts P. Rending”
“Needful C. Canticle”
“Mortification K. Overshadowing”
“Wombat J. Jodhpurs” (I find this one particularly amusing, for some reason.)
“Phonemic L. Transit”
“Accelerate O. Pansy”
“Donning A. Praiseworthiness”

The latter two, incidentally, sent mail with the subject line of “Hey, Klely hree! I just read youre profile”. Poor girl desperately needs to hire a proofreader– especially since, as the body of the message reveals, her name is Kara…

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