Zone38 Presents...
Letters to the World


Even if you aren’t a

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 10:45 pm

Even if you aren’t a big fan of the comic strip, you may nonetheless want to check out Scott Adams’ Dilbert newsletter on the web. There are generally quite a few amusing bits in each newsletter (and in fact, only four or so newsletters are published each year), but the most hilarious feature by far is what Adams dubs “True Tales of Induhviduals”– stories of utter stupidity from everyday life, as observed by the newsletter’s loyal readers.

Which reminds me of Lewis Black‘s stand-up comedy special that aired earlier tonight on Comedy Central. (If you’ve never heard of him, go ahead and check out the link.) Perhaps his most well-known routine involves a spontaneous quotation he heard while dining at IHOP, one which he claims was the dumbest thing he’d ever heard until Quayle became vice-president: “If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college.” He goes on from there to speculate that the cause of aneurysms is that such quotations become trapped in our heads with no means of escape…

So, got any quotes stupid enough to possibly induce aneurysm if you consider them long enough? Go ahead… send ’em to the address at the bottom of the page. I’ll post the best ones here to give zone:38 readers a nice headache. 😀

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