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Letters to the World


A new sniglet: “geekdar”

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 2:34 am

Random train of thought of the night, from an IM session with the inimitable Kat:

…all the girls I seem to encounter are the kind who think they’re cool but are, by my standards, far from it.
I’d think I’d encounter more, say, at lunch, in class, in the library, in the computer labs…but even then, I seem to have little luck.
I’ll occasionally find someone who actually likes me for me, but it’s a rare find.
I wish there were some sort of “geekdar” to identify geeks from afar. Heheh. :-p

1 Comment »

  1. That reminds me…at my old school, we’d always have a table to ourselves because whenever we sat down, everyone else would leave. It actually became a game; we’d time how long it took for people to leave or saw how long it took for the table to clear when we acted “normal” or at our weirdest…I guess you could say our poor peers had their own versions of geekdar. Or maybe it was anti-geekdar, heh.

    Comment by Lesi — 11-Jul-2002 @ 11:05 pm

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