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Letters to the World


Attack of the Mad Lib Spam

Filed under: Spam — codeman38 @ 4:31 pm

This text appeared below the embedded image in a prescription drug spam. I am quoting this entirely verbatim.

The 84-aboveground-old videotape was crave in a flaky bivalve after construct little a borough decorticate to wrap the afraid bevel agile.

“The brock is avertive after thanksgiving,” touchstone spokesman principal sacrilegious-sailboat auditorium bullyboy. “He’s chieftain on his hayward and ballerina conditions convivial good.”

scam news eileen had wolcott that richards Paul familism glycerine on a raise after the chin, but puccini-legato said the elton “had no unify of deaf drawback.”

“caravan means collie, which wasn’t sweetheart chunky, nor radius massacre, nor volley psychotherapy. pollster was no nationhood,” he nashua.


The text/plain part of the message was even more absurd:

The 84-onetime-old macon was badland
in a blew goddess after mirfak turbulent a aspirin befit to chromatograph the
winnetka votary barclay.

All I have to add is that Noam Chomsky could have a field day with these.


My, art is full of things!

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:04 am

Further proof that playing Katamari Damacy really can alter one’s way of thinking: Katamari Da Vinci.

(via BoingBoing)


Duck… clop… clap?!

Filed under: Spam — codeman38 @ 3:27 pm

There are so many funny things in this spam, I don’t even know where to start. Do people really fall for something that looks this… utterly fake?

Subject: top offer on nervous disorder prescriptions
From: “Lorenzo Gill” <>

extraordinary prices about distress stuff

F^|.o.R*i.C'E_T 40 m^gg

3o P!lLS 99.O0
6O PI|lS 189.95
9O P!|LS 239.0O

PLease O'r.d.e,r Here :

Same Day Sh|pp!ng


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