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Scammy Facebook Ad Fail

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 11:55 pm

I was just checking up on Facebook, and this ad turned up on the margin:

[Facebook ad showing a newscaster with poorly pasted-in hands holding money, with the caption: 'I got fired. But thanks to Google I ended up making more money than my old boss.']

The first thing I noticed was the badly Photoshopped hands. (MY HANDS R PASTEDE ON YAY?)

But then I looked closer. I’m not very good at recognizing faces, but having watched SNL’s Weekend Update quite a bit, I thought that the set in the background looked awfully familiar. And then I realized, hey, that does resemble Seth Meyers…

Google Image Search, and yep. That is, in fact, Seth Meyers. The un-Photoshopped original frame from Weekend Update even shows up in the search results.


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