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Letters to the World



Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 10:28 pm

If you thought Perec’s Grand Palindrome was amazing, this will really surprise you: 2002: A Palindrome Story.


  1. Impressive. Still, I have yet to see a palindrome of that size that actually makes sense. THAT would be an achievement of monumental proportions. (I’d try, but I think I don’t even have enough time to make one that doesn’t)

    Comment by Fuzzpilz — 28-Sep-2002 @ 9:38 am

  2. On the other hand, maybe people who have enough spare time on their hands to create that sort of thing talk in nonsensical palindromes normally. Perhaps doing this sort of thing isn’t really such a great idea….

    Comment by Anonymous — 30-Sep-2002 @ 5:01 pm

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