Zone38 Presents...
Letters to the World


Grammically bad, indeed!

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:35 pm

Heh. Just found an entry in my server logs where someone was led to the Proofreader’s Hall of Shame via a search for examples of grammatically bad writing. Appropriate enough, right?

Well, that’s not the end of the story. As it often does, Google had corrected the spelling of the original search request. What this person originally searched for was Exsamples of grammically bad writing

Another searcher found my site via a search for have you ever played the trivia game “zone38”. Eh?

Life imitates Procrastinator’s Creed

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 10:33 am

From the “cult of the Procrastinator’s Society” department: Two-headed turtle found in Florida.


Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 9:44 am

Chick-Fil-A is known for its chicken sandwiches– heck, even the name screams poultry patties. That fast-food restaurant has run an award-winning ad campaign for several years in which rather apprehensive cows urge hungry customers to Eat Mor Chikin (hey, they’re cows, you expect ’em to be literate?).

Fine. But why, then, do some Chick-Fil-A locations (like the one here on campus) serve steak biscuits at breakfast? Seems like a conflict of interest in some weird, twisted way…

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