Zone38 Presents...
Letters to the World


Yeah, I’m really anxious for a “deoeegreee”…

Filed under: Spam — codeman38 @ 8:13 pm

From the spam files… let it be said, to quote the great Dave Barry, that I am not making this up. I’ve deleted part of the phone number to avoid promoting this, uh, establishment, but everything else is verbatim:

Subject: adgditional deoeegreee helps earn more
From: “Valarie” <>

satisfaction in adieu is afferent of pecuniary
putty your diffract is shore are case

ARE.r You a qualikified professvsional but simply
lachck the requested credodentials after your name

Tivired of being turrnrned down because you do not have a Colljlege backgrdrround
We can helpw you Todaay.

Callr now and one of our represesentatives will assisost you


desecrater of crayon in s
chef in denebola if nitroglycerine areknown
orthophosphate of custodial and plebian in mull

britain is posse of conciliate in parachute
allergic in snore if luscious areinnkeeper
northward of assignation and gave in tech
budapest is degas of bluish in formica
counterbalance in contradistinct if carriage arecalculus
nutrition of avowal and bullock in cress

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