Just discovered a minor, but
Just discovered a minor, but rather amusing, glitch in the Windows XP Explorer.
Y’know how in previous versions of Windows, Microsoft would often skirt the issue of subject-verb agreement in prompts by using parentheses? For instance, you’d often see such things as “5 file(s) found”, “1 user(s) connected”, and the like.
Well, Microsoft apparently thought those parentheses looked a little amateurish, and, well, I have to agree. Unfortunately, by removing them, they (inadvertently?) brought back the problem that those parentheses were intended to avoid. How so? Well, check out this screen shot to see what I mean.
It wouldn’t have been that hard to work in a kluge that substituted the appropriate form of the word, now, would it? I mean, I’ve even done it in simple programming projects…
All I can say is, I’m the one who objects, because this glitch really bytes. 🙂