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Surreal blog spam of the day

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:33 am

A trackback spammer spammed my blog yesterday with the link text of “0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34.” The text of the spam was even less enlightening— and I quote:

Rubber stamping card Insurance resources Distance education graduate programs Ringtone software mac Weight loss tablets Background and credit check Mortgage rates us Pixies ringtone Loan tools Mortgage buying Football parlay odds Experian credit union …

Yeah, not very enlightening at all. So I just had to make an exception to my normal rule of not following spam links just to find out exactly what these spammers found so spam-worthy about the Fibonacci series. The result? A fake ‘search engine’ result leading to a bunch of blackjack-related sites. Ah, the card game also known as 21! It sort of makes sense now.

Well, that is, it would make sense if the top results on Google for ’21’ had anything to do with blackjack, which they don’t. Maybe I’m severely underestimating the tenacity of these spammers, but I seriously doubt that, even if they try as hard as they can, these spammers will ever beat Century 21 Real Estate in PageRank for that term…

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