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Letters to the World


Mournful contemptible, indeed!

Filed under: Spam — codeman38 @ 12:41 am

I swear, I get the most absurd spam in my inbox. Here’s one from tonight’s batch of junk mail, titled “RE: Payment N441511237”, completely unaltered except for the removal of the advertiser’s URL:

Dear Blog.

We glad to inform you about our October discountskant.
Our store sell now all pricelist positions with 98% discountnaturopath.
You can dwnload most popularsherrill positions for 1% of real prce.
Also we have update our cataloguecolombia, now we have more and new version prog.rams.
Our full catalogue with 11586 fresh and unique so.ftware titles.
Your discount code is: nikko.

Confirmation address is:
[URL deleted]

Thank you.
With regards,
Customers staff
Clients manager: mournful contemptible

Cataloque update. Clients information. Id: giraffe

Really, guys. You could at least try to look vaguely legitimate, but you can’t even be bothered to try hiding your pitiful attempts at filter-bait…

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