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Still more political weirdness in Georgia

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:30 pm

More proof that I live in one of the most dysfunctional states in the country:

Governor presses for party-switchers

Republican Gov. Sonny Perdue spent part of Wednesday, the last and busiest day of the legislative session, calling some House Democrats into his office and urging them to switch to the GOP, according to several lawmakers who met with the governor.

He was polite, but legislators said Perdue was clear about the consequences of not accepting his offer. If they refused, Perdue told them he would campaign on behalf of a Republican opponent in the fall elections. Perdue gave them until Monday to make up their minds.

Once again, there’s just so much wrong with this that I don’t even know where to begin. Aside from the ridiculousness of candidates being asked to switch to a party that doesn’t represent their interests as well, I know I can’t be the only one who sees the governor’s action as somewhat of an abuse of power…

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