And yet another daft search request
An even more inexplicable hit from the server logs: freshmen were hypnotized. Wha?!
An even more inexplicable hit from the server logs: freshmen were hypnotized. Wha?!
I was browsing through my server logs again (a great pastime for bored webmasters, heh), and came across this search request:
star wars download movie “attack of the clones” -trailer -xxx -vote -trailers -desktop -theme
What’s sad is that whoever did this search went through twenty-four pages of results that were probably more relevant, before stumbling across a completely unrelated blog archive here at zone38 that just coincidentally happened to contain all the terms they wanted and none of those they didn’t.
If you’re planning on travelling by airplane soon, you’d better make sure that your name isn’t some derivative of John Thomas. (link found on Metafilter)
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