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Letters to the World


Are You François Coleman?

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:39 am

I was just checking one of my old e-mail addresses, and I found this spam which, interestingly enough, was particularly addressed to me.

Hi Francois,

Are You one of the Millions of people who've switched Internet Service Providers in the past year? Maybe You opted for a cheaper service or maybe a faster connection.

Either way, You know what a hassle it is to notify all of your personal business contacts or Your new Email Address.

Did You know that You could Own and keep it forever!

Only one slight problem: in no way does my name resemble “François Coleman”. And no, this wasn’t one of those carbon-copied spams; the headers reveal that the mail was sent directly to my address and no others.

And if that wasn’t enough, I also had another e-mail advertising the fact that a certain ancestry site carries records for the Coleman family tree.

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