Amusing typo of the day
A rather amusing typo from a page on the University of Chicago bookstore’s website referring to the work of psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (what a name, eh?):
Professor Csikszentmihalyi explores why creative people are often seen as eelfish and arrogant (even though they are not) and reveals that the idea of the tortured genius is largely a myth.
“Eelfish”? Glub glub…
I wonder if creative people would take that as a compliment…
Comment by Toni — 01-Feb-2002 @ 11:30 pm
Most of the creative people I’ve talked to deny their eelfish-ness. Though sometimes I’m mistaken for a cod, m’self– but that’s another story… :-p
Comment by codeman38 — 02-Feb-2002 @ 11:43 am
Heh, go figure. Somebody else noticed this typo too.
Comment by codeman38 — 31-May-2003 @ 9:36 pm