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Letters to the World


I recently got this piece

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:56 am

I recently got this piece of spam in my inbox. I’ve munged the addresses to protect the guilty, but still…badly translated English and pure falsehood at its finest. (Even the domain names are misspelled!) Anyway, enjoy…

From: "Admin" <>
To: <>
Subject: Your password
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 01:09:03 +0500
Reply-to: "Admin" <>

Dear Mr/Mm!
If you receive this e-mail, you're a winner.
This e-mail was sended to only 50 randomly e-mail
addresses. You is one of this 50 winners, which
have now opportunity for guaranteed receiveing
$500.000. Additional
information you can request
from web-mail form on http://postofis.[!@#].com .
Your password for access to the information is:
Password is case sensitive!
We're apologize for inconvenience if you not
interested about this. In this case delete this
e-mail. We are not store your e-mail address.
Thanks for your attention.

Is it just me, by the way, or does that last bit remind anyone else of Zero Wing? “We are not store your e-mail address”…”we’re apologize for inconvenience”… I guess all our spam are belong to– erm, never mind. 🙂

And oh yeah, the headers state that the message was sent from Poland, just in case anyone was wondering what specific form of badly translated English was being used.

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