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Letters to the World


Heh…I saw this recently on

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 10:53 pm

Heh…I saw this recently on the “Selling It” page of Consumer Reports, and I just had to link it here.

Y’know how a lot of cleaning products are named after pure and natural substances or phenomena? For instance, there’s Tide detergent, Ivory soap, Sunlight dishwashing liquid, and so on.

Well, the Iranian company Paxan did quite the same thing as described above in coming up with a name for their own cleaning products. The only problem is that they did so in Farsi, the native language of Iran. And the Farsi word for snow is…um…eh…well…let’s just say that it doesn’t translate so well into English.

What do I mean, you ask? Well, would you be inclined to buy a box of Barf Detergent Powder? I didn’t think so…

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