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Letters to the World


Ten-ten-twelve, who do we not appreciate?

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 6:34 pm

Dear ‘’ spammers:

If you really wanted me to buy shares of some fly-by-night stock called Southwestern Medical Solutions, the least you could’ve done was to not spoof a very real and completely unrelated domain name in the return address of your spams. It’s not fun receiving twenty or so return-to-sender notices a day on my catchall account, particularly when they all include the 24KB GIF file you embedded your spiel within to avoid filters.

And the fact that you’re sending your mail by exploiting an assortment of infected PCs all over the world, so there’s no trace of where your messages actually originated from? Not fun, either.

At least a Google search informs me that I’m clearly not alone in having my address spoofed. Of course, that just makes it even more of a heinous crime, as far as I’m concerned.

May you be flooded by hundreds of e-mail bounces,


  1. I hate it when that happens. That has happened to a domain of mine as well as an email address. It is a crime.

    Comment by Adrian — 26-Apr-2006 @ 4:10 pm

  2. how do you get rid of the tententwelve CRAP once, and FOR ALL????!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by bt — 09-May-2006 @ 12:23 pm

  3. bt: I wish I had an answer to that, but sadly, I don’t. We bloggers are trying to get these guys shut down, but they’re not easy to track down at all; they’re hiding behind a bunch of virus-infected ‘zombie’ computers spread all around the world, so there’s no single known source that can be shut down.

    Comment by codeman38 — 09-May-2006 @ 2:51 pm

  4. Here’s another site that’s being victimized by the stock fraud spammers:

    Can we get rid of them somehow?


    Comment by minnesotadon — 30-Jun-2006 @ 11:03 am

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