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Google Earth for Mac: it’s official

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 11:55 pm

Ooh. As if all the news of Intel-based iMacs and MacBooks weren’t enough Apple-related news for today, Google has officially released the Mac version of Google Earth. For what it’s worth, Finder claims it’s only a PowerPC binary, not a universal one; no word yet on whether it’s emulated properly under Rosetta on the new machines…

Edited to add: ‘chloralone’ confirms, in the comments to the corresponding thread on my LJ, that it does indeed run “very fast” under Rosetta. Nice.

I hate my inability to drive…

Filed under: Car-Free,General,Grad School — codeman38 @ 11:12 pm

I’m essentially chained to my apartment for 5/6 of this upcoming holiday (Martin Luther King Day) weekend.

Only the very limited weekend city buses are running on Saturday— once an hour, with the last bus arriving at my apartment at about 6:30.

And no buses whatsoever are running on Sunday or Monday. No campus buses; no city buses; nothing.

This, of course, wouldn’t be so bad if there were anything in reasonable walking distance of my apartment. There are the restaurants and stores of Five Points about a mile away… on a road with no sidewalks. I guess I could try braving walking on the shoulder of the road… And the north side of campus is about 2 miles away.

I really need to learn to ride a bike. Or something.

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