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How dumb do they think we are?

Filed under: Spam — codeman38 @ 5:11 pm

The “names” used by the senders of a number of spams that I’ve received in the past couple months:

“Nouakchott M. Calories”
“Hedge C. Paramedicals”
“Plaudits R. Jarring”
“Licks C. Shenandoah”
“Individuality P. Dolefuller”
“Overplays S. Maryellen”
“Ungainlier Q. Math”
“Preachy P. Concatenate”

And more recently, I received a junk e-mail from an “Ophthalmologists Q. Stuccoing”.

Really… who do they think they’re fooling? Sure, they might be able to bypass Bayesian filters that way, but it’s rather hard for a human to be fooled by these ridiculously fake names.

And yes, many others have been hit by this particular spam meme; see, for instance, this blog comment thread that I stumbled across today…

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