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Letters to the World


The Ghost of Inexplicable Blog Comments

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:20 pm

How interesting. I check my e-mail to discover that someone has left a comment on an old blog post from last Christmas, and so I go to see what it is. Seems that somebody by the name of “Kasara Albert” has left this complete non-sequitur as her comment:

i think that you guys suck to the max and i don’t like your story at all i think it is boring and i think that i can tell better stories than anybody in the world and well this one gurl thinks im conceded becuz well it first started out like when i hooked up wit her boyfried but she didn’t know then when me and her were arguing i juss blurrted everything out that me and her boyfriend were goin out for along time then she beat me up……. the end of my fricken wanderful story…and that i said i was better then her and that i said i had better clothes then her and our usta be friends.

I’m still trying to figure out what in the world this has to do with anything at all in the post. It’s clearly not blog comment spam… but what IS it? Who have I been mistaken for this time?

I don’t think I’ll ever come up with a satisfactory answer, but judging from my server access logs, this person found the post in question by searching on Ask Jeeves for “why are ghost’s present.” I don’t think it’s merely a coincidence that the good virtual butler decided to send this user to the same site that hosts the Proofreader’s Hall of Shame… 😀

Anyway, I may eventually delete this complete non-sequitur from that post’s comments, but I’ve decided to leave it up for a while just because it’s so utterly bizarre. Either that, or I’ll mark all over the original comment with proofreader’s marks. I’m not sure which.

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