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Letters to the World


Roomate: a keeper of kangaroos?

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:48 pm

Well, I haven’t posted much to my blog lately (not much has been going on in my life, which explains things to a large degree), but I figure something ought to go here, so I present you with this example of bad proofreading from a banner ad I found yesterday:

Save money, make friends. Get a roomate. 1,000's to choose from at

OK, so maybe “roomate” is a typo, but still, considering it’s a part of their domain name, you’d think they’d notice it…


A spellbinding documentary

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:34 pm

Check out the last quote on the “Press” page of the official website for the documentary Spellbound.

“Quintissentially”? ::slaps head::

What’s even worse is that the review that’s being quoted, though missing a word (“all”) due to sloppy proofreading, spells “quintessentially” correctly. Ouch!

In other news, I’m rather miffed to discover that as of right now, there are no screenings of the film in Georgia. (Here’s a link to the production company’s site, which includes a slightly more up-to-date list of screnings.) Maybe I could get together with Kat from the ’96 bee to watch one of the showings in Florida (even though all of them are a reasonably long drive from Orlando, where she lives)? Who knows…

(Edited 30 May ’03: It is showing in Atlanta now.)


Ah, the state of modern education

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:28 pm

Look at this screenshot from Mercer University’s student information page. What’s wrong with this picture? (Hint: Look at the filename…)


Weeding out the clueless

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 5:37 pm

If you’re going to tell the police what’s been stolen from your house, it’s probably not the best idea to include your stash of marijuana in that list.

Four and twenty Blackbeards…

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 1:44 pm

Hee! It seems that the TLC television series “Mostly True Stories”, a show dedicated to debunking popular urban legends, was itself tripped up by a parody of urban legends.

And even more amusing is that TLC isn’t the only one to have been tripped up by this intentional hoax.



War of the Websters

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 5:58 pm

My dad linked me to this article from the Georgia Association of Educators regarding this year’s state spelling bee, and though it’s not a spelling or grammar mistake, the rather blatant gaffe in its first sentence made me laugh:

Daniel Webster would have been proud.

Yes, he probably would have, considering that Noah Webster was the lexicographer for whom the dictionary is named…


Finals finally finalized

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 11:20 am

The metaphorical fat lady has sung… I’m through with my sophomore year of college, having taken my Music Theory final this morning. I’ll be moving back home this afternoon (ah, the joy of packing up all those boxes just to have to bring them back to the same room next year).

And, well, I have rather mixed feelings about going home this summer.

On one hand, it does mean that I won’t have to do any schoolwork— a nice break, indeed. I’ll be able, in the words of Strong Bad, to sit down and play video games for several hours; I’ll have a chance to sleep in without the annoyance of 8:00 classes; and, well, homemade dinner is still better than the dining hall, even with the improvements that have lately been made to campus dining.

But I’ve also made friends on campus— quite an unusual occurrence for such a shy, asocial geek like me, I must admit. They’re a rather interesting group to hang out with, and I really wish I could see them over the summer… but it just won’t happen. I’ll be stuck at home, spending most of my time either playing the aforementioned video games (Zelda, anyone?) or sitting on my rear end surfing the web and chatting on Instant Messenger; I’ve so few friends back home that it’s going to be rather boring.

But then again, there is the hope of Jeopardy! tryouts (maybe I’ll actually be chosen this time!); there’s also the hope of going to visit my relatives in Boston for the Fourth of July, if Jeopardy! doesn’t conflict. And there’s also the National Spelling Bee coming up in a few weeks— sure, I probably won’t be able to watch it on location, but even watching it on TV brings back some fond memories…

So, yeah, I’m sort of ambivalent about this summer. Let’s just hope there’s more good to be found in it than bad…

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