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Still more fun with spam

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 9:27 pm

I’ve gotten about seven or eight copies lately of a spam which begins: “DOES EMAIL ADVERTISING WORK? It just did.”

OK, so e-mail advertising may indeed work; I’ve several times clicked on ads in e-mail newsletters that I did sign up for. When you send the same ad to the same person repeatedly, without permission, and with a subject line written in Old High Gibberish, however…it gets a little annoying, to say the least.

And of course, it’s an ad promoting an e-mail marketing service. If it’s run anything like this, you’re discouraging potential customers from using it!

<mutters at clueless marketing types>

1 Comment »

  1. it sure does work. like a charm. and if i wanted my business to annoy the crap out of 45000 people i’d spam too!

    Comment by cari — 31-Mar-2003 @ 12:09 am

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