OK, I just have to share with the world this spam I just received.
Are you healthy and wealthy? You are lucky! Sick children who are considered to be incurable live near you. They parents refused of them and nobody can help them except you.Nowadays contemporary medicine can completely treat them, but it requires money, a lot of money. Together we can help them.
Universal Children Relive Fund (UCRF) asks you to provide an adequate material assistance. We will be appreciating for any of your donation from private person or from organization. Remember, transferring money you are saving thousands of children life's. Please, help us and you will find a lot of young friends, who became happy thanks to you. Don't delay your assistance; don't think that it can be done without you. Regardless of the contribution size your name or the name of your organization will be forever written down in our Helping Book. Show your name or name of your organization in details of payment of your transfer.
“Universal Children Relive Fund”? I dunno; I don’t want to make any of these children relive their awful lives any more than they need to. And I won’t even attempt to comment on “transferring money you are saving thousands of children life’s”…
I’ve snipped the actual addresses because I don’t want to give these guys any more promotion than they need. However, I will mention for the terminally curious that the organization claims to be based in Latvia, which just might explain the rather lacking translation.