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As I probably mentioned on

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:47 am

As I probably mentioned on here before, I had been planning for quite a while to pursue a double major in computer science and music performance at college; after all, they’re two of the subjects in which I’ve been most interested since my preschool years. And indeed, before I received my preliminary class schedule for this semester, it seemed like a pretty reasonable combination. Even when I actually sat down with an advisor to schedule the classes, the decision didn’t sound all that bad–though she did caution me several times that the nineteen credit hours that I had scheduled might be a bit much for me.

Of course, being the stubborn creature, bad listener, and awful manager of time that I am, I didn’t quite realize what I was getting into with this scheduling faux pas. (Trust me, those of you who are going into college– things look a lot more pleasant and comfortable on a printed schedule or in a course catalog than they actually will be in real life. Heh.) Only when I actually plotted my schedule out visually on a spreadsheet–not unlike the program grids in TV listings–did I come to the realization that the dual major really is just a bit too much for a laid-back person like myself to accomplish. And I didn’t even have many of the necessary core courses in my schedule, to boot! (Of course, how’s a disorganized person like me supposed to know that, especially without the blasted course catalog in front of me? Heh.)

In addition, for some reason unbeknownst to me, I had been registered for the Bachelor of Arts program in Computer Science, rather than the more in-depth Bachelor of Science program I had originally specified on my pre-registration form. Granted, perhaps this was because I mentioned that I was considering a double major and, under those circumstances, the BS program simply would’ve been too much. But if that were indeed the case, I wouldn’t have bothered with the music major in the first place–I explicitly specified I was considering the BS program before I even mentioned double majoring, and if the latter was to interfere I wouldn’t even begin to bother with it. Sigh. Then again, someone may have just misheard or made a typo…who knows…

Anyway, though, I’ve decided, after much consideration, to pursue the full BS degree in Computer Science and to only minor in music performance. The change seriously lessens the number of music courses which I’ll have to take (while nonetheless letting me pursue that strong secondary interest), thus giving me enough time to pursue the necessary core courses and still leaving me with sufficient free time to relax. Sounds good to me…

Now, all that’s left is convincing my mother that I can indeed change my schedule at fall orientation, heh…

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