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A buzzing question…

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:18 am

Does anyone reading this blog have a videotape (or DVD recording, or video capture) of the 1997 Spelling Bee episode of “Cheap Seats” on ESPN Classic? Right now, I’m in Melbourne, Florida for this year’s ACM regional programming competition, and the hotel at which I’m staying just happens to carry ESPN Classic… right now, Cheap Seats is mocking the 1994 Bee, and it’s hilarious. Yeah, this is the first time I’ve seen the show; I don’t get the channel at home or on campus. ::sigh::

So that’s why I’m asking. If anyone out there has a recording of the episode in question, leave a comment here on this post or drop me a line through the “e-mail me” link over to the right.

Edited 2004/11/07 to add: Thanks to a generous ESPN employee, I have a copy of the 30-minute version of the episode. Now if only I could find the hour-long version they aired as a pilot… I suppose they might have that somewhere in their archives. 🙂

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