In which Cody makes an attempt at an audio posting
A number of people on my LiveJournal friends list have been making phone posts for everyone to hear what they sound like. I don’t have a paid account, nor does LiveJournal offer a local number for phone posts even if I did have one, so that’s pretty much out of the question… however, I do have a microphone and Audacity installed, so here’s the next best thing:
“Hey, this is Cody, and for a change today I decided I’d do some sort of audio posting… umm… despite the fact that I write so much more coherently than I talk… and I tend to kind of stammer whenever I’m speaking spontaneously, but… oh, well, now you know what I sound like, for those of you who don’t know me in real life.”
See what I mean about writing more coherently? 😉
(“Read More…” if you’re having any difficulties playing the file.)
If you can’t open the file, you’ll need a sound player that supports .ogg files in order to hear the clip; it’s a format that’s becoming at least somewhat prevalent on the ‘net, so it wouldn’t hurt to install a player anyway. Some recommended choices for each platform (links updated Jan-2005):
- Windows: either use Winamp or install the DirectShow filter to play in Media Player.
- Mac: Whamb and Audion are both free and can play .ogg files. There are also plugins for Quicktime, but they don’t work in recent versions.
- Linux/Unix: XMMS and Zinf both do the job nicely.