Zone38 Presents...
Letters to the World


File this under “spam, strangely ironic”…

Filed under: Spam — codeman38 @ 8:07 pm

Sometimes “spamonyms”– you know, the bizarre pseudonyms found in the “From” lines of spam e-mails?– can be strangely appropriate. How so? Well… here’s an actual bit of junk mail that ended up in my inbox tonight (with URLs removed to protect the guilty).

Subject: Zone, last longer than v1 .agra. vernacularization
From: “Nastier A. Typo” <>

Pleased to meet you!

Want to btoost ,Znoe , Your sexuale Preofrmance?

News for the privacy-conscious

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 12:04 am

Need to read articles from The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Orlando Sentinel or Newsday, but don’t want to go through their incredibly intrusive registration process? Turns out that accounts created on, which has a much less intrusive registration form, work on all of the above-linked newspapers as well. Sure, you still have to give away your e-mail address, but personally, I’m more comfortable with spam than with marketers having immediate access to my name, address and phone number.

I just hope The Baltimore Sun doesn’t end up changing its registration form; this is quite a useful discovery…

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