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Letters to the World


Illitate, no doubt…

Filed under: General — codeman38 @ 2:06 am

Little did I know, when I added the Proofreader’s Hall of Shame entry about “experienced litary agents“, that someone would actually stumble across my web site by searching for “litary agents” on Google.

Yet that’s exactly what happened, according to my server’s access logs. And not only that, I’m the first result for that search string.

I guess that’s up there with all of those “dowloads” people are searching for…

But that’s not all. On a whim, I did a Google search for “litary” by itself, and the first link was, ironically enough, a page on Mercer University’s site! Maybe I should point it out to them, y’think?


  1. I am a writer of poetry,ivebeen published by poetry. com . and some children stories

    Comment by Sandra Thomson — 11-May-2005 @ 6:27 pm

  2. Uhh… Sandra, you’re not serious, right? Here’s a hint: If you want to actually find a literary agent, learn how to spell it first.

    Comment by codeman38 — 11-May-2005 @ 7:26 pm

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