More inexplicable search requests
I know, you probably enjoyed the search requests in the last blog entry. So here are some more interesting and/or just plain inexplicable search requests from my server logs, for your enjoyment:
- grabbing breakfast on campus – I remember mentioning the breakfast during college orientation in one of my blog entries. I still don’t understand why someone would search for such an arcane topic, though.
- we all favorite carrot game, – Woohoo. I’ve apparently helped to make a certain bit of Engrish popular… (And the first hit on Google leads to the RinkWorks forum, to boot.)
- badly translated japanese video games – Wow, I’m on the first page of Google results here too, thanks to a number of references to Zany Video Game Quotes. Oddly, I’m higher-ranked than ZVGQ for that particular search…
- awful baby names – Granted, I only linked to others’ rants on the subject, but still, the second page of Google results isn’t bad at all…
- anal retentive dictionary compulsive – Hm, do we spelling bee geeks fall into this category? 😉
From now on, when I am asked to describe myself, those will be the four words I use. *grin*
Comment by Toni — 14-Mar-2002 @ 3:52 pm